Organization Background:

Our Story

Our organization “Living Dignity for the Blind” has founded on 17th November 2018 after long preparation of 10months since January 2018. Eleven members who are enthusiastic to work on the area of capacity building and job employment for the visually impaired persons devoted as founders to initiate. Our organization runs as a Social Enterprise. Living Dignity for the blind (LDB) has registered at Directorate of Investment and Company Administration DICA, on 17th November 2018. 70% of our board members are visually impaired persons.
We have two main focus function areas. First sector is Service providing toward capacity building and job employment on project based. Second sector is running small business taking part by visually impaired persons in practically involve or capital investment. The second sector aim to create more working firm, to support self-employment, to motivate inclusive business for the blind and their families, to obtain profit for long-term sustainability of the organization. We also work on policy engagement to support our targeted working areas. Acquiring assistive devises or tools is also one of our main tasks. Moreover, we undertake working part of technology solution to break the barrier to inclusion.
We open membership for individual who are visually impaired and partnership for organizations of/for the blind to be benefit our service and to collaborate in our work. We invite capital shares investment from our members for social enterprise work. Our targeted beneficiaries are visually impaired persons in working age and children directly. Family members and visually impaired persons in old age are also benefit indirectly. We aim to serve our client in various ways to access resources in order to achieve our goal.

Our Vision

To Establish an institution that empower the visually persons to access life development opportunities and get employment opportunities to make a livelihood with own-ability and live with dignity in society.


  1. To empower the blind to be aware of their rights and exercise them.
  2. To empower the blind for employment opportunities and create type of employment opportunities according to national and international disable rights.
  3. To implement the programmes initiated by the organisation through the cooperation among the interest groups and individuals at different locations across the country.
  4. To increase the member of the blind women in workplace.
  5. To ensure the accessibility of supportive materials for the labour force and technical skills for the blind.
  6. To coordinate with government departments, social organisations and private sectors for the employment opportunities for the blind.
  7. To initiate the workspace that the blind can lead.

Planned activities

  • To Provide career counselling service. Pre-employment training. Job coaching and job matching.
  • To make access assistive devices, software.
  • To undertake technology solution to remove the barrier occur by visual challenge.
  • To establish inclusive business collaborating with business owners.
  • To empower blind and partially sighted persons enabling self-employment or own business.
  • To advocate public sector and relevant stakeholders for policy engagement to reach our goal.